Comfort Flex® “Waffle” texture, Powder Free utilizes revolutionary polymer technologies, which coat the interior and exterior glove surfaces. This polymer facilitates ease of donning while it protects the skin from latex protein exposure.
With optimum thickness and flexibility this examination glove is a great choice for applications in Dentistry, Research, Biotechnology and Laboratory Medicine.
The unique patented “Waffle” texture provides enhanced grip without affecting tactile sensitivity.
Ocean Pacific Med Tec® is pleased to offer this innovative product to the Canadian market!
For professionals who need exacting fit and rugged durability EXTREME® Latex Powder Free is the perfect choice. The lowest measurable protein rating and residual powder content below ASTM standard requirements proves this glove provides the ULTIMATE in BIOCOMPATABILITY!!
This ensures your hands remain free of contact dermatitis in even the harshest environments. Computer regulated on-line micro-chlorination, combined with high temperature processing effectively fragment latex protein freeing them from the latex film.
Subsequent extended fresh water leaching efficiently washes away protein allergens and production chemicals.The smooth interior surface provides excellent donnability while the fully textured exterior makes grip natural and sure.