This webinar with Dr. Ira Sy will focus on how to have a better understanding of the prevention and management of complications related to implant therapy.
Over the past few decades, oral implant therapy has been increasingly popular as a treatment of choice for partial and full edentulism. Although implants have shown to be highly predictable, there has also been an increase in various complications from surgical and prosthetic interventions. Some of these complications have led to acute and chronic problems for our patients and additionally, there has been a need for re-treatment.
This program will review clinically some of these iatrogenic complications with regards to the lack of biological placement of implant fixtures to cementation retention leading to the potential of tissue damage and ultimately the loss of osseointegration and failure with endosseous implants.
At the end of this course, participants will have a better understanding of the prevention and management of complications related to implant therapy.